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YouTube Shorts Hashtags: everything you need to know (2024 updated)

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YouTube Shorts is one of the newer social media mediums launched in 2020, after the initial success of TikTok and short form video content. YouTube Shorts remain one of the under-explored channels. For content creators, you want to take advantage of its nascency to get ahead start, build your niche and get visibility. Knowing how to use YouTube Shorts hashtags is one of the best ways to boost the visibility of your YouTube Shorts content. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of using YouTube Shorts hashtags, why they are important, and our exclusive Vizard top tips from our creators.

What Are YouTube Shorts Hashtags

YouTube Shorts tags are added to places where text can be inputted on a YouTube Shorts video. These tags function similarly to YouTube Shorts hashtags, which categorize content and let viewers know what your content is about. If you have ever seen tags that look like this: #youtubeshorts, you have viewed a hashtag on YouTube Shorts. 

This image shows where YouTube Shorts hashtag shows up

What are YouTube Shorts tags? Are they the same thing?

YouTube Shorts tags, conversely, are descriptions of your video content that help YouTube understand what your content is about. It can help guide YouTube’s search algorithm to determine your search relevancy, along with your title, description and other content. 

YouTube Shorts tags vs. YouTube Shorts hashtags:

The main difference between YouTube Shorts tags and YouTube Shorts hashtags is that Shorts tags are used for relevancy in YouTube search, while Shorts hashtags are used for dedicated hashtag search

YouTube Shorts Hashtags are directly searchable, meaning that if you search for a specific Shorts hashtag, you can view all the videos that used this specific hashtag. 

Shorts YouTube tags, conversely, are descriptions of your video content that help YouTube understand what your content is about. It can help guide YouTube’s search algorithm to determine your search relevancy, along with your title, description and other content. 

Generally speaking, you should dedicate most of your effort on finding and optimizing for hashtags instead of tags. The latter plays a minimal role in boosting your videos’ discoverability and YouTube officially states that tags are only helpful when content in your videos are commonly mis-spelled. 

How can YouTube Shorts Hashtags boost your views

Using YouTube Shorts Hashtags properly can draw new viewers to your content and allow your content to be seen by more viewers in three ways:

  • Hashtags tell YouTube what your content is and allow YouTube to sort your content better. 
  • They also allow YouTube to recommend your content to others. 
  • They enable your videos to come up as search results more easily.

Where to Add YouTube Shorts Hashtags

Adding hashtags to your YouTube Shorts content is as simple as typing a # symbol in the title or description of your content, followed by the keywords you wish to use. Unlike YouTube Shorts tags, you won’t find a dedicated section where you can input hashtags when you upload. You only need to add # in front of any keywords, and they’ll be automatically recognized as hashtags for YouTube Shorts. Note that it doesn’t really matter where you put your hashtags for YouTube Shorts. Whether you add your Shorts Hashtags to title or description of your video will not make a difference from YouTube’s platform perspective.

Trending YouTube Shorts Hashtags and Where to Find Them

The most popular YouTube Shorts hashtags cover some serious ground. They range from #fashionstyle for the Beauty and Fashion niche to #fortnite for the Gaming niche to #nurseryrhymes for the Education niche. Just because these hashtags are some of the most popular on YouTube Shorts does not mean you should necessarily use them for your content. The best YouTube Shorts hashtags that you can use are keywords that are relevant to your content.

But how do you find which keywords to use? Here are our recommendations:

Use YouTube keyword tools like Vidiq

Use dedicated keywords research tools like Vidiq to explore how well different keywords perform on YouTube. The product offers multiple excellent keyword tools, including a Keyword Inspector Tool and a Keyword Score analysis that helps you discover and evaluate which terms to use for hashtags. 

Research your niche

Look up the most well-performing videos in your niche and see what keywords they are using. If you see keywords that are commonly used among these videos in your niche, make note of them and consider trying them in your own YouTube Shorts.

View trending videos 

You can also look at trending videos outside of your niche for inspiration. These videos may be using general hashtags or no hashtags at all. Different YouTube Shorts hashtag strategies may impact other niches differently, so consider trying something unique and see if it works for you. However, as you use trending videos for inspiration, do note that you should not directly copy others’ hashtags unless they are relevant to your videos. We’ll go in the “why” in the later section of your video so read on to learn more. 

Take inspiration from Google search

People’s search behaviors will likely replicate their searches on YouTube. Predictive text on Google can help you explore possible hashtags to use. Google Trends will also show how often people look up terms on the search engine and the changes in search volume trends. You can use Google search data as a proxy to determine how much search demand there is for your niche and keywords. 

This image show Google trends

View suggested keywords from YouTube

Another hashtag strategy that some YouTube Shorts creators employ is simply uploading their videos, and using YouTube’s autosuggest feature. When you add “#” to your title or description in YouTube Studio, it will instantly suggest hashtags. You can pick several hashtags that best match your video content. Alternatively you can also do a quick search on YouTube’s search box and see its related search suggestions. This displays YouTube search terms with high search volumes for you to choose from, but be sure to add hashtags relevant to your video for the best results. 

Get More Views with YouTube Shorts Hashtags: Top Tips

Use a niche-specific hashtag 

In other words, do not be too broad. At the beginning of this article, we listed a few YouTube Shorts hashtags that commonly appear. However, just because a hashtag is frequently used does not mean it is necessarily a good hashtag for your content. If everyone trying to go viral on YouTube Shorts is using #viral on their videos, how will you find people actively seeking out your content? 

You will need to be more intentional with your niche. For example, your YouTube Shorts video is a video of your orange cat. You’re wondering if you should choose Option 1: #catvideo or Option 2: #orangecat. As long as #orangecat is a popular hashtag, you should consider using it over #catvideo.

But why? Well, Option 1 is too broad. Yes, your video is of a cat, but so are millions of others on the platform. More specifically, your video is of an orange cat. While you can always choose to use both hashtags, #orangecat is more likely to target people interested in watching your unique video and interacting with your content. Plus, your content will likely be pushed to fellow orange cat lovers and receive more attention.  

Do your own hashtag research

Before posting your content with hashtags, search to see how popular the hashtags are. If the hashtag is relevant to your content, you should choose the most viewed hashtag. You can search hashtags on YouTube and see how many total video results there are to see how much interest there is for your keywords.

Make your hashtag short and to the point

Hashtags should be short, sweet, and to the point. You don’t need to put hashtags that completely describe the video in the form of a sentence. Avoid using hashtags that are longer than the title of your video, and do not use hashtags that are more than three words long. 


How many hashtags should I use on YouTube Shorts?

While YouTube allows up to 30 hashtags, we recommend using just 2 to 3 of the most relevant keywords to your video to avoid confusing the algorithm. Some guides will tell you that the more hashtags the better. However, unless all the hashtags you use are directly relevant to your video, we’d advise against it. Using too many hashtags can be viewed as keyword stuffing, which is the act of overusing keywords to try to trick the algorithm into prioritizing your videos. Keyword stuffing makes for an undesirable experience for the user and can be considered spammy. 

Do you use hashtags on YouTube Shorts? 

Yes, you should use hashtags in the title and description of YouTube Shorts to take advantage of the YouTube algorithm’s ability to show more viewers your content. 

Do hashtags work on YouTube Shorts?

Yes, effectively using hashtags in your YouTube Shorts can significantly boost your content’s visibility and reach. YouTube Shorts hashtags serve as important markers in how your content is understood and distributed on the platform. They provide essential context to YouTube, helping it better categorize and show your videos to the right audience. By using relevant and trending hashtags, your content becomes more discoverable, increasing the likelihood of new viewers finding your videos. Hashtags also enhance your videos’ visibility in search results. When users search for related topics, your content is more likely to appear, making it easier for them to find and engage with your videos.

Which YouTube Shorts hashtag should I use for viral Shorts? 

The best hashtags to boost visibility and potentially go viral are those relevant to your Shorts content. 

What are best hashtags for YouTube Shorts 2023? 

There are several high-volume hashtags that you can use on YouTube Shorts to increase your views. Consider using some of these popular generic hashtags:






Should I put YouTube Shorts hashtags in title or description?

The short answer is: where you add your hashtag is irrelevant. As long as you have the right hashtags for your YouTube Shorts that helps YouTube properly understands, contextualize and recommends your content, you are on the right track.

You should know how to properly use hashtags for your YouTube Shorts content now. Whether you post the next viral cat video or an entertaining vacation vlog, your videos will be shown to people who are more likely to enjoy and interact with your content with the proper hashtags. We hope that all of this talk about hashtags gets you excited to make your next YouTube Short. When making your next video to post on the platform, using Vizard’s AI-powered YouTube Shorts Maker to edit your videos and leverage tips from YouTube automation for you to start produce more with less effort. Getting started is simple and risk free – simply upload your video and take your YouTube Shorts to the next level with Vizard’s YouTube clip maker.
