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Share on socials with just a few clicks

Our video sharing feature allows you to share your videos with just a few clicks. You can easily share your videos on Youtube or embed the video on your website. You can also download the video without losing the quality and share it on social media. This makes it easy for you to reach your audience and share your expertise with the world.

Share video Share video

Effortlessly share your videos anywhere

You can share the video through a link, without having to download. Choose to share your videos publicly or privately, which makes it easy for you to control who has access to your video content and share it with anyone, anywhere.

How to share your video online

Upload video

1. Upload your video

Simply upload your video from your computer, Youtube or Zoom.

Edit video

2. Edit

Vizard allows you to add backgrounds, add text, crop, trim video and many more.

Share video

3. Share your videos

Share your videos with anyone, anywhere by simply sending a link. No download is required!

Need Help?


How can I share my videos?

You can share your videos via email or by generating a shareable link. The video can be viewed on your phone or PC, wherever you like!

Can I customize the privacy settings of my shared videos?

Can I share videos with people who don't have a Vizard account?

Need Help?


How can I share my videos?

You can share your videos via email or by generating a shareable link. The video can be viewed on your phone or PC, wherever you like!

Can I customize the privacy settings of my shared videos?

Can I share videos with people who don't have a Vizard account?


What creators say about Vizard

Cheaper than hiring an editor
Carlee Myers
Stress Management Coach
<span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span> has made editing financially more accessible for me. Previously, I would hire freelancers for the task, costing around $400 to create 10 clips. Now, it offers both time and money savings.
Faster than manual clipping
Jasmin P.
Co-founder, Coach, Facilitator
<span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span> makes it so easy to keep creating content! As an entrepreneur, I need to constantly showcase what I’m up to and what I can offer. I love that I can plug in workshop videos, and it quickly creates bite-sized clips ready to post. A huge time saver!
No manual tweaks needed
Jeff S.
Co-Host, Entertainment
I was surprised as most AI tools create weak content, but <span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span> turned over an hour of footage into solid, shareable posts. Easy to use, fully featured, and delivers exactly as expected.
Increase in views
I’ve noticed quite a bit of a difference since starting <span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span>. I've jumped in subscribers. Now I average about 50,000 to 60,000 views a day. That’s a huge growth from zero views. The videos with high vitality score do very well so everything that the editor is telling me has turned out to be true so far.
Time saved in content creation
Rasha E.
Success Trainer, International Speaker and High Performance Mentor
<span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span> is incredibly intuitive and has saved me hours of editing - one click generates reels that are easy to refine. Plus, their customer support connects you with real humans, a rare and valuable touch!
Gilberto V.
Graphic Designer, Broadcast Media
<span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span> has streamlined my workflow by solving direct editing problems and freeing up my time. The user-friendly interface makes editing text and exporting effortless.
Sam U.
Coach, Professional Training & Coaching
<span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span> makes content creation easier with its speed, versatility, and seamless format switching. The generous time credits and quick uploads to multiple platforms are a huge plus!
Igor M.
Video Editor, Entertainment
Great AI with a user-friendly design and smooth workflow. I love being able to process large amounts of video into reels, and the generous processing time outshines similar tools.
Sean S.
Director of Business Development
With zero experience, I was able to create great content effortlessly. Gen Zers like me can truly benefit from this app and level up their skills!
Nicolan L.
Blogger and Content Creator, Entertainment
<span style='color:#B86586'>@Vizard</span> has completely transformed my video editing. It is powerful, reliable, and incredibly easy to use. I can’t imagine working without it. Highly recommend!