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Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts (with Firsthand Creator Tips)

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Timing is everything in the fast-paced world for YouTube content creators, like yourself. Your video quality is essential, but so is the timing of your upload. If you’re a novice content creator venturing into the world of YouTube shorts , knowing when is optimal for posting can give you the extra boost on your views.

Is there really a “best time” to post YouTube Shorts? 

In short, there isn’t an official “best time” to post YouTube Shorts. While many guides offer suggestions, YouTube itself doesn’t provide a specific recommendation. The key is to follow general best practices and continually experiment to discover the best posting time. Successful YouTubers often follow different schedules based on their target audience and personal availability, so there’s no universal formula. You’ll need to conduct your own trial and error to find peak hours for your target audience, and determine your ideal posting schedule. Nonetheless, we can offer some average time frames to help you get started.

Why do posting times matter?

With that being said, posting times are still an important factor that can make or break your YouTube Shorts content.

Posting videos at the right time can significantly increase your chances of reaching your target audience when they’re online and ready to engage. This leads to more comments, likes, and shares. YouTube’s algorithm takes into account factors like view velocity and early interactions after a video is uploaded. When your video receives positive feedback shortly after going live, it’s more likely to be promoted to a broader audience. This strategic approach can enhance your content’s visibility and impact. Some YouTuber creators report an astounding 2 to 5 times more views on their videos when they figure out their best time to post YouTube shorts, enhancing the growth and visibility of their channel.

Best times to post YouTube Shorts for new creators 

For new YouTube channels yet to build an audience, sticking to fundamental best practices is essential for laying a strong foundation for the discoverability of your YouTube videos. At this early stage, YouTube lacks sufficient data to determine the best time to post for newer accounts. Therefore, adhering to the general peak viewing times is your best opportunity to position yourself for success.

What is the best time of the day to post YouTube Shorts?

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Monday

Best time to post on Monday is between 2pm to 4pm, where we see viewers taking some time off. Another good window is between 6pm to 9pm where users are reaching for the phone after a full day for relaxation activities. Note that Monday mornings are generally a bad time to post as most YouTube viewers are either getting ready for work or for school, and are less likely to reach for content. 

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Tuesday

Based on statistics, the optimal time to publish YouTube Shorts on a Tuesday falls within three key windows: 12 PM to 2 PM, 5 PM to 7 PM, and 9 PM to 10 PM. Posting during these hours has shown promising results. Additionally, sharing your Shorts during the morning or around lunchtime can be quite effective, as this is when many individuals tend to peruse their social media and YouTube accounts during breaks or downtime. Moreover, the early evening, typically from 5 PM to 7 PM local time, presents another favorable opportunity, as it aligns with the period when many people are active on YouTube after their work or school commitments.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Wednesday

Viewer engagement statistics reveal consistent patterns during weekdays, with particular emphasis on Tuesday through Thursday. If you’re aiming to optimize your YouTube Shorts release on a Wednesday, consider these time slots: 12 PM to 2 PM, 5 PM to 7 PM, and 9 PM to 10 PM. This timing aligns well with the moments when a significant number of users are actively engaging with YouTube, either during their lunch breaks or after work.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Thursday

On a Thursday, the ideal times to share your YouTube Shorts are between 12 pm and 2 pm, from 5 pm to 7 pm, and once again from 9 pm to 10 pm.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Friday

Fridays present a prime opportunity to capture your audience’s attention, as folks are winding down for the weekend and seeking digital entertainment on their phones. For optimal results, target the afternoon hours, with a strong focus on 3 PM and beyond. Be strategic in scheduling your content for those Friday afternoons!

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Saturday

The best times to post YouTube Shorts on Saturday are between 9 am and 11 am, and later at night, starting from 9 pm onward. The morning slots are likely to appeal to viewers who spend some time on their phones before starting their day, while the night slots cater to those who might reach for their phones just before going to bed.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Sunday

The timings are similar for Sunday, ranging from 9 am to 11 am and from 10 pm to 12 am. During these periods, we observe peak YouTube engagements, so be sure to utilize these time slots to maximize engagement.

What are the best days of the week to post YouTube Shorts? 

According to HubSpot’s Social Media Marketing study, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are the best days to post, The findings are also consistent with what Boosted has found, which is that Friday through Saturday and Wednesday are the most popular days for YouTube involvement. Keep in mind that while these findings provide a foundation, it is still essential to tailor your posting schedule to the habits of your audience.

Pay close attention to viewer data  

If you’re just starting with YouTube Shorts, it’s important to understand that the YouTube algorithm is in the process of learning about your YouTube channel, content and target audience. It needs time to identify your niche, determine the right target audience for your, and gather data about your viewers. As a result, when you’re new, you might not notice any clear patterns initially. However, it’s crucial to closely monitor your viewership and engagement trends.

Many creators find that they begin to recognize patterns and trends after consistently uploading content for a certain period. While this can be time-consuming at the outset, it’s a valuable investment that will ultimately pay off.

Don’t worry if you don’t get views right away 

Some YouTubers have observed a phenomenon known as “delayed views.” If you’re new to YouTube, it’s common for your initial videos to receive minimal or even zero views. However, even if your videos don’t initially garner much attention, some of them may start gaining traction and viewership after a few hours or days. Consequently, the exact timing of your message may not be as critical.

The key is to ensure you post high-quality content, and that there are clear signs that your viewers enjoy your work. If you find that your posted videos aren’t gaining any traction, you can consider experimenting with different posting times by deleting and reuploading them after 24 to 48 hours. This can help you test and refine your posting strategy.

If you are already getting views on YouTube Shorts

If you’ve been on YouTube for a while and have accumulated enough viewer data, you can determine the best time to post YouTube Shorts that’s tailored to your specific YouTube channel. The most effective approach is to analyze the viewer data available on your YouTube dashboard. This data can provide valuable insights into when your target audience is most active and engaged, allowing you to optimize your posting schedule for maximum impact.

  1. Head to YouTube Studio, and click “Analytics” on the left. This will take you to your Channel Analytics page.
  2. Next, click “Audience”.
  3. View “When Your Viewers Are Online” dashboard.
This image shows how to use YouTube analytics to find the best time to post YouTube Shorts

This data reveals the precise times of day and days of the week when your target audience is most active on YouTube. Armed with this information, you can strategically schedule your posts to align with your target audience’s peak activity periods.

If you don’t see the graph in this section, it’s likely because your channel hasn’t accumulated enough viewer data in the past 28 days. However, there’s no need to fret. You can begin by following our recommended best posting times to kickstart the growth of your channel.

Best posting frequency

Now that you’ve learned how to determine the best time to post YouTube Shorts, let’s explore the best posting frequency.

Two key principles come into play when it comes to frequency: prioritize quality content over quantity and maintain a consistent schedule.

Our general recommendation is to aim for a minimum of three YouTube Shorts uploads per week as a starting point. This level of consistency can significantly boost audience engagement and create anticipation for your upcoming content. YouTube’s algorithm tends to favor creators who regularly upload videos. The challenge is striking a balance between the two.

Creator Tips: How to Succeed with YouTube Shorts

Now that you’ve nailed down the ideal posting time and frequency, you’re all set to make a splash on YouTube Shorts. For content creators, maintaining a consistent schedule and delivering top-notch video content can be the deciding factor in your success. To give you an extra edge, we’ve gathered some battle-tested pro tips that can accelerate your growth on YouTube Shorts. 

Monitor view counts closely

During the initial stages of uploading YouTube Shorts, it’s essential to keep a close eye on your view numbers. If you notice that your videos aren’t receiving the views you anticipated, it’s time to reevaluate your sharing strategy. Take a look at when your viewers are most active and consider scheduling your future uploads during those peak periods. This targeted approach can help boost your video’s visibility and engagement.

Don’t shy away from reposting

If your initial video uploads didn’t quite meet your expectations, don’t be discouraged. Consider reposting your video at a different time to reintroduce it to your target audience. This can provide a fresh opportunity for your content to gain traction and reach a wider audience. Persistence can pay off in the world of YouTube Shorts.

Set a posting cap

While it might be tempting to flood your channel with constant uploads, it’s crucial to exercise moderation. Limit your video upload frequency to no more than once every 48 hours. This allows each video ample time to gather traction and engagement before you introduce a new one. The age-old saying, “quality over quantity,” holds true in this context. Thoughtful, well-timed content is more likely to elicit a positive response from your viewers.

Test, test and test

The ultimate strategy for discovering the ideal times to post your YouTube Shorts is experimentation. Try posting your content at different times and on different days of the week. Pay close attention to the consistent patterns that emerge in the performance of each upload. Through this trial and error process, you’ll pinpoint when you receive the highest levels of engagement from your viewers and subscribers. It’s all about fine-tuning your posting schedule to optimize your reach and impact.

Repurpose existing YouTube videos

If you are struggling to keep up with your posting frequency and produce quality content that’ll allow you to post consistently, repurposing existing videos is likely to be a great idea for you. Use a video repurposing tool like Vizard to pick out highlights and turn long form videos into captivating YouTube Shorts. You even can link to your long form videos from your Shorts and turn these views into loyal subscribers.   

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to upload YouTube videos?

Depending on your audience and where you are, the best time to post YouTube shorts changes. However, studies show that YouTube upload time is most effective in the evening, especially between 6 and 9 p.m where more YouTube users are available.

How often should you be posting YouTube Shorts?

Your content strategy should dictate how often you post YouTube Shorts. The quality of your material should not suffer at the expense of regular uploads. Think about releasing at least three weekly shorts as a starting point.

How many Shorts should I post a day?

Posting one to two shorts daily helps keep viewer interaction high without overloading your audience.

What is the best time of day to post YouTube Shorts?

The optimal time of day shifts depends on who you try to reach. However, many YouTube creators have the most luck posting in the evenings, particularly between 6 and 9 p.m.

Timing plays a crucial role in boosting your content’s visibility and impact in the competitive realm of YouTube Shorts. To set yourself up for success, align your YouTube upload schedule with your audience’s preferences and habits. Discover how to make your YouTube videos truly stand out with these expert tips on the optimal times for posting YouTube Shorts. Remember, achieving success on YouTube demands a winning combination of originality, strategic thinking, and unwavering consistency. You can also optimize your workflow for efficiency by applying YouTube automation tips and tricks!

 If you are ready to start creating YouTube Shorts, you can use a YouTube Clip Maker like Vizard. Get started for free by onto Vizard today!
