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What is a Video Podcast & How Can You Start One? 

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A whopping 249.42 million Americans will listen to podcasts in 2024, placing it among the most predominant media formats available on the internet today — a fact that presents both an opportunity and a challenge. The new hero is video podcasts. In 2023, there were 50,000 video podcasts (up from 39,000 the previous year) and that number is only expected to grow. 

The opportunity, of course, is a chance for content creators to connect with their target audiences in a more immersive and impactful way. The challenge lies in knowing that podcasting is now a highly competitive market, so finding the right audience will take some knowledge and skill. 

More than 3.2 million podcasts existed as of February 2024, putting intense pressure on brands, businesses, and influencers to stand out from the crowd. Podcasting is a powerful marketing tool, but you need a strategy to differentiate yourself and set your show up for long-term success. 

Video podcasting could be the perfect way to help you find your target market.

What is a Video Podcast?

As the name suggests, a video podcast is similar to an audio podcast except the episode is filmed on camera along with a sound recording. You can publish audio and video versions online, allowing audience members to choose which format they want to consume.

Types of Video Podcast Formats

The great thing about podcasts is how much room they provide for creativity. The possibilities are limitless! You can follow a tried-and-true formula or establish a style that’s all your own.

A few specific podcast formats perform well, though, and it’s always a good idea to consider the formats audiences favor. These formats include:

Interview Podcasts

We all love hearing about the stories, insights, and experiences of notable people, whether a celebrity, a successful entrepreneur, or a subject matter expert — and that’s precisely what an interview-style video podcast provides.

Each episode features a distinguished guest who answers a series of questions posed to them by the podcast host. The result is an inspiring and impactful dialogue that, although taking place between two people, makes the audience feel deeply involved. The Joe Rogan experience is an excellent example of a popular podcast video. 

Discussion Podcasts

If a podcast featuring a single guest is called an interview podcast, what is a video podcast called when there are several participants? Podcasts featuring multiple speakers discussing a topic are called — you guessed it — a discussion podcast!

Discussion podcasts are deeply engaging thanks to the back-and-forth exchange between multiple participants, resulting in a lively and dynamic discussion that keeps the audience on their toes and exposes them to various perspectives on a particular topic or theme.

Solo Podcasts

Many content creators looking to start a video podcast choose to be the only presenter on their show for logistical reasons. Not only does it mean less planning and coordinating with potential guests, but it also provides flexibility in filming and recording since episodes can be made at the host’s convenience.

But solo podcasts aren’t just efficient to produce — they also foster a deeper connection with your audience. They consistently hear your voice and perspective, which builds trust over time and turns more of your listeners into dedicated, loyal supporters. The Huberman Lab is an example of a solo podcast where Professor Huberman provides extended discussions on health topics. Through extensive preparation in his areas of expertise, covering a wide range of health topics, Professor Huberman has gained over 5 million YouTube subscribers since the podcast’s launch in 2020.

8 Powerful Benefits of Video Podcasting

Now that we’ve covered popular formats, do you need a podcast with video when the audio version is already so popular? Many novice podcasters ask these same questions when starting out — until they realize how effective and engaging video podcasts are.

So why do podcasts have video more and more these days? Here are some of the top reasons to create a video podcast:

  1. Increased Audience Engagement

What is a video podcast’s biggest benefit? Human connection. A large part of how we connect as human beings happens visually. We interpret body language, facial expressions, and other cues when a person speaks to us to better understand their mood, motivations, and overall personality. All of this information is inaccessible to listeners with traditional audio podcasts.

Video podcasts allow you to fill this gap and create more robust, intimate connections with your target audience. 

  1. Higher Shareability 

Visual content reigns supreme on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. In fact, video made up 82% of all internet traffic as of 2024. 

But people aren’t just watching videos — they’re also sharing them! Studies show that social media users are 1200% more likely to share videos over links and texts. Investing in video podcasts is the best way to use these numbers to your advantage.

  1. Live Streaming Capabilities 

By live streaming your video podcast, you can directly interact with your audience in real-time, answering questions, responding to comments, and fostering a sense of community. It’s a powerhouse feature that drives active participation!

  1. Visual Storytelling

Experienced video podcasters know the power of visual storytelling. Recent statistics reveal that adding a visual component will boost engagement by 94% and create an emotional connection with your audience.

With this medium, you can use visual elements like graphics, animations, and images to better convey your message and captivate your audience’s attention. Plus, you can incorporate background settings, lighting, and other elements to enhance your podcast’s atmosphere and tone, providing various creative options to optimize the experience. 

  1. Wider Reach and Accessibility

Video podcasts provide the opportunity to include closed captions, visual aids, and other elements that allow people of all abilities to enjoy your content. Those who are deaf or hard of hearing can follow along with subtitles and feel fully engaged, just like any other audience member. Visual aids also help your audience easily understand complex information, which can be confusing through audio alone.

  1. Enhanced Branding 

Don’t just do what your competitors do. Podcasts have video capabilities that can help you boost your brand! You can display your logo, brand colors, fonts, and other visual elements on your podcast videos, establishing a clear and recognizable visual identity. Your audience will soon be able to recognize your brand based on these visual elements, which will eventually foster trust and loyalty to your brand.

  1. Monetization Opportunities

Can a podcast be a video that also makes you money? You bet! From sponsored episodes to ad inserts, affiliate marketing, and merchandise sales, there are plenty of ways to turn your video podcast into a revenue stream. This is great news for content creators who plan to expand their brands since the money generated can be reinvested and used to further enhance production quality in the future.

  1. Improved SEO and Discoverability

Most people associate SEO with search engine platforms like Google. Still, how users search for information has changed a lot in recent years, with more and more people using video-based search on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and more.

To be more specific, 40% of Gen Z prefers searching on TikTok and Instagram over using Google Search. Many people search for podcasts on these platforms and use social media as a listening source rather than Spotify or other audio-only platforms.

A recent survey predicted that video content will compose 82% of internet traffic in 2024. There’s no doubt that video content creates a deeper audience connection than audio. 

Tips for Starting a Video Podcast

Now let’s focus on how to make your video podcast stand out from the crowd. After all, you want your podcast to be a major success!

Here are some of our top tips for starting out on the right foot:

Invest in High-Quality Video Equipment

Crisp visuals are a must for attracting viewers. They make your audience feel like they’re in the room with you. Plus, the quality of your video reflects your brand and your commitment to your show. You’ll want a DSLR camera with minimum video recording capabilities of 1080p – 4K, so factor that into your startup costs. 

Curate Your Background

The background of your podcast video contributes to your online presence’s overall aesthetic and vibe. You want to ensure it aligns with your branding and enhances the viewing experience. Try strategically placing decorative items in your background to add personality and context, or experiment with different lighting colors to set a tone that’s uniquely yours.

Good Lighting Is Crucial

Nothing is more detrimental to the success of your podcast than dark, blurred, or shadowy video. One key strategy to remember is to use both key and fill lights. Place the key light at a 45° angle in front of you to provide the primary illumination while the fill light softens shadows from the opposite side.

Engage With the Camera

Your physical presence should always play an active role in your video podcast. Sitting up straight and using hand gestures to emphasize key points are a couple of ways you can use your body to engage with your audience. Maintaining eye contact with the camera lens when speaking directly to viewers is also a good idea. 

Optimize Your Set for Sound

You’ll need a well-insulated room to capture the best possible sound for your video podcast. But don’t worry if you pick up echoes when you start filming. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can improve the acoustics of your space. For example, you can hang sound-absorbing curtains in any windows or add soundproofing foam sheets to your walls.

Dress Appropriately

Specific colors and textures appear better on camera than others. For instance, bright white can look overexposed, while intricate patterns can be busy and distracting. When in doubt, opt for a solid color in a subdued tone and avoid logos or bold accessories that might distract the viewer from the subject matter. 

Use Editing to Your Advantage

You can use endless editing techniques to make your video podcast more appealing to viewers. Plus, with AI video editors, it’s now easier than ever to edit your videos like a pro! Many creators use B-roll footage, overlays, transitions, and graphics to break up the monotony and keep viewers engaged.

Choose a Strong Video Thumbnail

Did you know that 90% of the best-performing YouTube videos have custom thumbnails? You always want to consider this crucial marketing element when uploading videos online. Choose a high-quality, captivating image and include concise, compelling text. The faster viewers can identify what your video is about, the more likely they are to click on it. 

Ensure Accessibility

You want your content to be enjoyed by as many people as possible. Optimizing your content to include captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions is crucial to achieving that goal. Remember, approximately 42.5 Americans live with a disability — which makes consuming video content difficult.

The more you optimize your video podcast, the less challenging it is for audience members of all abilities to benefit from the content you share. Try using our AI-powered app to add captions and other accessibility features to your videos in a flash!

Vizard: An All-In-One Solution For Video Podcasters 

Now that we’ve explored the best tips and strategies for success, all you need is the right resources to get started! At Vizard, our mission is simple. We want to make it easy for marketers, creators, and agencies to produce and share video content.

Our user-friendly platform and AI-powered features give you everything you need to produce professional-quality video podcasts that captivate your audience. You can use tools like our AI video clip generator, AI video editor, and podcast editor to create quality video podcasts to share online.Get started with Vizard today and unlock the power of video podcasting for your brand!
