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Mastering the TikTok Algorithm in 2024: How to Get More Views and Build Your Audience

TikTok algorithm tips

If you’ve been posting consistently on TikTok but still struggle to gain traction, it’s easy to assume the algorithm is working against you. Many creators experience the frustration of getting stuck at 200 views, leaving them wondering if their content is being suppressed. But here’s the reality: the algorithm isn’t out to get you. Success on TikTok comes from understanding how the algorithm works, optimizing your content to align with it, and building a strategy around audience engagement.

In this guide, we’ll explore how the TikTok algorithm operates, discuss practical ways to increase your views, and address common myths and misconceptions that might be holding you back.

How the TikTok Algorithm Works: A Deep Dive

The TikTok algorithm is a recommendation system designed to show content that aligns with a user’s interests. It uses machine learning models to analyze user behavior—such as the type of videos someone engages with or skips—and recommends videos accordingly. The goal of the algorithm is to keep users on the platform longer by serving content they are likely to enjoy.

According to TikTok’s CEO Shou Zi Chew, the algorithm matches content based on similarities. For example, if two people engage with a series of videos on fitness, they’ll both see related content recommended to them—even if they don’t follow the same accounts. The recommendation system adapts in real-time, refining the content users see as they interact with more videos.

In essence, your content competes against others within the same category. If your video performs well with the initial audience, it has a higher chance of being recommended more broadly.

Why Watch Time and Engagement Matter Most

One of the most crucial metrics TikTok uses to evaluate videos is watch time. Videos that keep viewers engaged throughout their entirety signal to the algorithm that the content is valuable and should be promoted further. Conversely, if users quickly swipe past your video, it decreases the chances of the algorithm recommending it again.

Average Watch Time (AWT): TikTok tracks how long viewers stay on your video compared to its total length. Videos that retain at least 75% of their audience are more likely to perform well.

Completion Rate: Videos that achieve high completion rates—meaning users watch the video from start to finish—are favored in the For You Page (FYP).

Engagement Signals: Likes, shares, comments, and replays all contribute to a video’s success. The more interaction a video receives, the better its chances of reaching larger audiences.

Pro Tip: Your first three seconds are critical. Use an eye-catching hook—whether visual or text-based—to stop viewers from scrolling and convince them to watch the entire video.

The 200-View Plateau and Sample Audience Checkpoints

If your TikTok videos often hit 200 to 300 views and then stop, you’re experiencing what’s commonly known as 200-view jail. This occurs because TikTok uses sample audience checkpoints to evaluate videos.

When you post a video, TikTok shows it to a small group of users (200-300 people) to gauge initial engagement. If the video performs well with this sample—by achieving high watch time and engagement—it gets pushed to larger audiences at subsequent checkpoints (500, 1,000, 10,000 views, etc.). However, if engagement drops, TikTok will stop recommending the video beyond its initial sample.

This system ensures that only high-quality, engaging content gets promoted across the platform, giving smaller creators a fair chance to go viral.

Strategies to Increase Views and Engagement on TikTok

1. Align Your Content with the Right Audience

The first step to breaking out of 200-view jail is to ensure your videos reach the right audience. TikTok’s algorithm can only recommend your content to the correct users if your content is consistent and well-categorized.

Stick to a Niche: Avoid jumping between topics. Focus on a specific niche so TikTok can accurately match your content with interested viewers.

Use Hashtags Wisely: Include relevant hashtags to indicate what your content is about. Don’t overdo it—3 to 5 focused hashtags work best.

Optimize Your Captions: Use keywords in your captions to provide additional signals to the algorithm about your content.

2. Improve Watch Time by Making Engaging Content

High watch time leads to more recommendations. Here are a few ways to boost watch time:

Create Shorter Videos: Short videos (15-30 seconds) tend to perform better because they are easier to watch all the way through.

Use a Strong Hook: Start with a compelling hook—either a question, a teaser, or an interesting fact—to grab attention within the first three seconds.

Use On-Screen Text and Captions: Adding text throughout your video helps keep viewers engaged and reinforces your message for the algorithm.

3. Engage with Your Audience to Build a Community

Engaging with your audience not only increases loyalty but also boosts your video’s engagement metrics. Every time someone comments on your video, TikTok continues playing it in the background, increasing your watch time.

Respond to Comments: Answer questions and engage with users to create a sense of community.

Ask for Feedback: Use your comments section to discover what type of content your audience wants to see.

Encourage Conversations: When viewers interact with each other in your comments, it boosts engagement and helps your video stay active longer.

Myths and Misconceptions About the TikTok Algorithm

Let’s address some common myths about TikTok’s algorithm:

1. “Posting Times Matter”

While it’s helpful to post when your audience is most active, the algorithm evaluates content based on engagement, not the time of day. A good video can gain traction regardless of when it’s posted.

2. “You Need to Post Multiple Times a Day”

Quality always beats quantity. Posting once a day with well-researched, engaging content is more effective than flooding your feed with average videos.

3. “Shadowbanning Exists”

There is no official shadowban on TikTok. If your videos receive low views, it’s likely due to low engagement or policy violations. Check your video’s analytics to see if it was marked as ineligible for the For You Page.

Use Analytics to Refine Your Strategy

TikTok provides detailed analytics that can help you identify what’s working and what isn’t. Focus on metrics like average watch time, completion rate, and engagement rate to fine-tune your content strategy.

Study Your Successful Videos: Identify common elements in your top-performing videos and replicate them.

Monitor Viewer Behavior: Pay attention to when viewers drop off in your videos and adjust your pacing or format accordingly.

Experiment and Iterate: Use the data to test new ideas and continuously improve your content.

Build Momentum and Stay Consistent

TikTok’s algorithm is not your enemy—it’s designed to promote content that keeps users engaged. By understanding how it works and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can increase your views, build an engaged audience, and escape 200-view jail.

Remember, success on TikTok comes from consistent effort and refining your strategy over time. Focus on creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and monitoring your analytics to guide your growth.

With patience, creativity, and persistence, your TikTok account can thrive, and the next viral video could be yours.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate TikTok’s algorithm and grow your presence on the platform. Start small, experiment with your content, and most importantly—have fun with the process.
